>2) But one of the main reasons I like to see them on the FML is that
>they become part of the searchable archives, along with the existing
>75000 posts already there.  People can get basic info and different info
>by searching the FML archives and then go to the FHL archives for the
>full threads.
Amen.  And there's also no telling when Yahoo may decide their free
groups service is not longer worth maintaining.  All that knowledge could
disappear overnight.  Hopefully, the FML archives are more stable.  (You
keep them backed up, right, BIG?)
I've already thanked Sukie privately for her efforts, and will do so again
publicly, particularly since I can't keep up with the FHL.  I'll also thank
other readers of the FML for their patience, and BIG for his foresight.
The Beach Boyz*
Surf on over to http://Beach_Boyz.go.cc
Californians for Ferret Legalization http://www.ferretnews.org
CFL Wanted Poster:  http://ferrets.go.cc
[Posted in FML issue 3483]