Well, there you have it.  My two cents on deafness. -- Betty
And a very valued two cents it is.  Very concise and well put post on
something that is hard to summarize.
And this is priceless:
>Deaf ferrets are not more aggressive, more cuddly, more or less anything
>in comparison to other ferrets.  They are just ferrets with their own
>personality, as every ferret exhibits their very own.  Just like other
>ferrets, their behaviour is based on their past experiences and how they
>have been handled.  Deaf ferrets who are aggressive are not so because of
>their deafness, just as cuddly deaf ferrets are not so because of their
>lack of hearing.  Hearing ferrets can be aggressive, and they can be
>cuddly as well.  -Betty
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3483]