I received a message from that "dicklep2" address several days ago.  It
had two attachments-- one with an EXE extension and the other was a Word
document, I forget what it was about.  At minimum the EXE attachment was
infected with a worm.  A worm is a program that makes copies of itself,
often distributing itself via email, possibly as an infected executable
attachment.  My very recently updated Norton Anti-Virus caught it as I
scan my messages as they are downloaded.
The particular worm in this instance is listed on Norton's site as one of
the top threats and was discovered in March of this year.  The subject of
the infected message is random, and so will vary.  The worm generates
e-mail messages containing up to two attachments, including a randomly
named infected executable one or more randomly selected text or document
files.  This is why folks aren't reporting the same attachment names.  It
selects e-mail addresses from your address book and sends itself... the
"sender" on these "weird e-mails" likely was a victim of the virus and
had no intention of passing it on.
**** It does extensive and mostly permanent damage the longer it stays
installed on your computer. ****
I'd recommend that anyone who did not immediately and permanently delete
the message and all of its attachments absolutely ASAP obtain a good
anti-virus program, install it, get the very latest virus definition data
and KEEP it updated!  Here's a link to full details of the effects of the
virus.  It is **UGLY**:
http:[log in to unmask]
Debra in Fort Worth
"Backup early and often!"
[Posted in FML issue 3467]