BC wrote:
>>Overall, I would say the most common pathologies follow those for the
>>thoracic skeleton, and are (in order) healed fractures, arthritis,
>>reactive bone, bone masses.
X asked:
>In view of the high incidence of arthritic changes Bob attests to, I
>wonder if we shouldn't be considering some sort of anti-inflammatory drug
>for older ferrets who appear to be having a hard time getting around.  I
>know both my 6 year olds have greatly decreased their climbing this year.
>Vet comments?
My general inclination is that while these may be the most common pathology
of the skeleton, it may not be extremely common overall.  The use of
anti-inflammatory drugs in ferrets is not without side effects, and many of
these may be toxic in even moderate amounts.  I am hesitant to prescribe
these drugs in a prophylactic fashion without a definite indication for
their use - either radiographic or clinical.
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, DVM
Join the Ferret Health List at
[Sukie note: and don't forget that Tylenol and similar drugs will kill them
in even small amounts, and that while some ferrets wonderfully tolerate
aspirin in tiny amounts for short term use when needed, that some do
over-respond and have bleeding from it.  In general be very careful with
OTCs and ferrets.  Any medicine deserves your respect and the attendant
caution because anything strong enough to help is strong enough to harm --
whether OTC, prescription medication, herbal medication, supplement, etc.]
[Posted in FML issue 3482]