Hi all
I am sorry about this but I lost contact with my hooman.  They were very
sick yesterday.  Food poisoning I think.  They ned to watch what they eat.
A little guy named Odysseus came in today.  He waz met by Athena.  As they
did not know each other I introduced them.  They seemed to get along real
well together.  Athena waz interested in da news and gossip at home.  They
talked for a little bit and then they went off to explore and see all da
sights and attractions.  I later saw them over at da Ferretone Flood
waiting for it to come in.  When it did he waz waiting and he lapped up a
lot of it.  Since they have no limit except time they can get pretty much
all they want.  He said he would not try da surfing part though.  Maybe
later.  He said to send lots of luv and kisses to hiz mommy.
A little guy named Tiny Tim came in later.  He waz met by a very large
group of ferrets.  As he didn't know any of these I introduced him all
around.  They all wanted to know how home was and da gossip and news there.
He said dat he hadn't been there long and hadn't been well so he really
couldn't tell much.  They all headed off to explore and to show him all da
sights and attractions.  After dat they headed off to show him da races.
They all grabbed a Crazy Kar and off they went.  He said he would sit this
one out as he waz still a little small and could not reach da pedals.  But
he stood on da sideline and cheered everyone on.  A good time waz had by
all.  He said he sorry he didn't stay long but he said to send lots of
luv and cuddles to hiz new mommy.
I looked Nikita up in da puter thing and located her.  She waz over at da
Otter Slide playing.  I went over there to talk to her.  I gave her your
message and she said dat she missed you to.  She also splashed me a lot
and got me wet, da lttle rat.  She said to send lots of luv and kisses
and dat she is waiting right here for you when you come.
I am going to my den adn dry off.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3467]