Hi to all
Just wanted to thank all of you who made the show or helped in any way.
It turned out to be a good show.  We had more good comments to this show
then the others.  The shows seem to be getting better and I hope the Feb
2nd show will be the best.
If you would like to join the club ( Stiff shirts rejected) and get in on
the "JUST LET IT GO THEORY" fun then contact myself or [log in to unmask]
We would like to have the kind of club where you don't have to be afraid of
who you can have as a friend.  We don't tell you what shows to go to and
who you can associate with at the shows.  Our shows are to have fun and get
the information you need for yoour little fuzzies.  The experiance you get
here will help you when you go to your point shows.
Again thank you all very much.
Ed Sr., Potto, Snoops and Snickers Crist
PS I believe there is a time for play and enjoyment and this is it.
[Posted in FML issue 3480]