I just wanted to get some opinions on what the minimum play interaction
time is for a family of five ferrets.  We have a new baby and he's taking
all my attention right now.  The ferrets have a large cage for nighttime
and get the whole bedroom and bathroom all day.  I'm just concerned that
the run time isn't enough.  The baby is four weeks old and the ferrets
are starting to attack my ankles when I go in there to brush my teeth or
something.  Not vicious, just "pay attention to me".  If I set aside ten to
thirty minutes that I could be sleeping while the baby is napping, is that
enough, or will they adjust to not getting much attention for a while, or
do I need to get the neighborhood kids to come spend hours on a weekend day
or what?  As new parents know, I don't have a lot of spare time, so please
reply to me personally, and no flames, please.  I'm a first time mother and
I'm doing my best.  At least I'm not using my baby as an excuse for getting
rid of my pets.  I am still tending to their needs with food, water, and
scooping.  I'm just a walking zombie and sleep drives me more than play
right now.  I will get back to play as soon as possible, but right now is
very difficult.
[Posted in FML issue 3478]