Hi.  Just thought I'd share my fuzzies food cravings.  (no frosted items
here)  Baby the youngest of my three wants nothing to do with human food,
she will however dig with wild abandon in a cereal box when given the
chance.  She's not overly enthusiastic about ferret treats either, yet
she is the heaviest of my three, go figure!
Jillie is my carbohydrate craver.  She wants nibbles of crackers, pieces
of bread, and as many Cheerios as she can get her paws on.
Mikette won't turn down a Cheerio and will happily accept an occasional
piece of chicken.  Her weakness is fruit.  Pieces of fresh Kiwi,
strawberry, nectarine, watermelon....the list goes on.
Their Mommy (me!) just prefers chocolate!
All three fuzzies however will lick an ice cream spoon when opportunity
presents itself.
[Posted in FML issue 3477]