hallo all long time no see!  All 8 of my fuzz-butts are doing great!
I returned from Germany some time ago, but i was blessed to visit with
Karin of the Berlin ferret club and see her BIG BIG germany sized
ferrets.  Thanks Karin for sharing!!!
On a sad note with a more happy ending...... so my friend lives in this
apartment complex.  My friend swore for 2 says he saw what appeared to be a
ferret lunging in and out of the bushes of his apartment complex.  On day
3, he saw it and determined, yes, it is a ferret.  So he bent down and made
kissing noises at it.  Instantly, he said, the ferret literally ran to
him into his arms and began to lick his face clean!!  Obviously this was
someone's beloved pet, agree?  Well, after hand feeding this baby to
happiness, he took it to the vet.  He had not seen any signs as to a
missing ferret in the area.  So, he tells me the ferret needs a $600
surgery.  Adrenal Glands.  So, sadly, one may presume that someones "pet"
was freed to die miserabley.  Well, my friend will have none of this and
i recommended he see Dr. Weiss for perhaps a more budget effective option
as far as adrenal Surgery.  So soon, he and ferret will be happy bouncing
well buddies.....buddy part already established....
ME NOW!!!!!!!!  otherwise, at least know it is in a good home.  We all
know accidents happen, and maybe it is someones beloved fuzzy child got
loose....... I will keep all posted as to the ferrets status and
progression.  Otherwise, my friend is happy to have a new friend.
[Posted in FML issue 3476]