#1: I received a letter from Senator Joseph L. Dunn, 34th District, dated
6/25/01 (I've been on vacation, so that's the reason for the delay in
posting this):
"Thank you for letting me know of your support for SB 1093 (Johannessen),
which deals with domestic ferret.  The bill is scheduled to be heard on
July 10, in the Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee.
I opposed the bill when it was on the Senate floor because after more
careful analysis I believe it prudent to wait for the Department of Fish
and Game to complete its study on the affect lifting the ban we will have
on Calfiornia's enormous agricultural industry.
I remain open to the idea of legalizing pet ferrets, but prefer to wait to
review the study before casting an aye vote.
I appreciate your taking the time to let me know of your ongoing support
for this issue.
If I can be of any further assistance, please write or call my District
Well, yeah, you can ("be of further assistance"). Duh.
Okay you FMLRS, NEED HELP: please give me (post) the "verbiage", so I can
write him back (properly and with the correct words).  Thanks!
PS Is it too late for this anyway, or do we keep on keepin' on?
#2: I just found out that I will be re-locating to Paradise (Hawaii) from
Caca Land by the end of the year.  Paradise on one hand, HELL in terms of
having to give up my three precious boys!  Omigod.  I can't believe this.
(You CAN'T smuggle them in there, trust me, I've been wracking my brain).
Any suggestions?  I'm in (North) OC and would want to QUALIFY the
prospective family and try not to get busted at the same time... :-(
[Posted in FML issue 3476]