Hello everyone!
Look at this exciting press release.  It arrived in my mailbox this
evening, and I just knew I had to share it!  Some of you may recall that
I purchased Air Ferrets Aloft years ago when it was available as an ebook.
It has since disappeared in that format, but it looks like we have a lot
to look forward to!
July 11, 2001, New York, New York  - Richard Bach, best-selling author of
Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Illusions, has signed a publishing
agreement with Scribner for a series of books entitled The Ferret
Chronicles.  The books mark Bach's return to the animal fable for the
first time since Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
Illustrated by the author, The Ferret Chronicles are fables for all age
and will debut with two titles to be published in June, 2002: Rescue
Ferrets at Sea and Writer Ferrets: Chasing the Muse.  Subsequent titles
include Air Ferrets Aloft, Rancher Ferrets on the Range and Teacher Ferrets
in the Classroom.  A total of five books are scheduled for publication in
the first year.
"A group of ferrets appeared to me several years ago, and they led me to a
mountaintop," said the reclusive writer.  "Spread out before us lay the
civilization of these animals, creatures who arrived from beyond the stars
while humans were discovering stone.  Having declined the idea of evil,
they live without war, crime or malice.  Their society is remarkably
different from ours, yet they remain, like us, a species which loves action
and challenge.
"Knowing that my culture has not fully renounced fear and violence, the
group approached me nevertheless," Bach explained.  "Risking their lives
to follow their highest right, they found me and offered a view from their
mountain into the daily adventures of ferrets here and across the galaxy.
The Ferret Chronicles is an account of those adventures." He declined
further comment about the work, which he has confided to his publishers as
the most profound and significant of his career.
Susan Moldow, Senior Vice President and Publisher of Scribner, said, "I
have known and worked with Richard for almost twenty years.  The Ferret
Chronicles is a fitting continuation of our long and fruitful
From his first book, Stranger to the Ground, to the best-selling Jonathan
Livingston Seagull and Illusions, Richard Bach is best known for his books
about flight.  He was an Air Force fighter pilot and later a gypsy pilot
barnstormer in the Midwest.  Today, he flies a number of small aircraft
including a Lake Amphibian, a 1943 Piper Cub and tiny ultralight airlplane.
In the air and on the ground, he continues gaining insight and inspiration
for The Chronicles from his eight companion ferrets.
Woo hoo!  Happy ferreting!
Gina Hart/Sage Ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 3476]