Reading Kat's memorial page to Mr Fiscus truly touched me and broke my
heart.  I had the pleasure of briefly knowing Mr Fiscus through visits to
Jan's.  The love and care she gave to Mr Fiscus is not unique, although he
was a special soul.  Many needy and loving ferrets reside at her loving
shelter.  Please visit her website and see some of the other fuzzie faces.
This poem is inspired by Mr Fiscus and written for Jan.  I wanted to
include it on the FML for those that were touched by his story and by
those miraculous shelter workers who have possibly known their own Mr
How did you know I needed love true,
How did you know I needed you?
Food and water were only a part,
What I needed came from your heart.
Filled with warmth, surrounded by care,
You made my world a place so dear.
You showed me what I needed to see,
That the world held so much love for me.
Let it be known, please let it be told,
That the world you showed me are the memories I hold.
How sorry I am that we had to part,
But until we meet I'll be in your heart.
I'm not sad, so remember me please,
as waiting happily among the pansies.
[Posted in FML issue 3475]