>Hershey is a 16mos.  healthy happy ferret.  He came to me 15 days ago
>dragging his back legs.  I took him to my vet.  He did x-rays and blood
>work.  Told me it was probably nerve damage.  Put him on prednisone and
>within 2 days-Hershey was walking.  He was taken off his med. after 5
>days and within 12 hours was dragging his legs again.  My vet put him
>back on prednisone 3 days ago and Hershey is not using his legs.  He has
>feeling in them, but can not stand on them.  He has stopped eating on his
>own and I have to hand feed him.  I am concerned when I took him off the
>prednisone that something happened.  My vet had him on 1mL every 12 hours
>for 5 days and then just took him off.  He is now on 1mL every 24 hours
>and I am to lower the dose to every other day in 2 days.  If this is
>nerve damage, how long does something like this take before I can let my
>Hershey out to excerise.
Was the nerve damage caused by disk disease, a vertebral fracture, what?
Steroids usually work well, but I've had cases that were more like
bacterial meningitis, and needed antibiotics as well.  Does he have a
-Dr. Karen
This e-mail is provided for general informational purposes only.  It is
in no way intended as a replacement for a consultation with a qualified
licensed veterinarian.  If you are concerned about your pet's health, you
should seek the advice of your regular veterinarian as soon as possible.
[Posted in FML issue 3472]