In a message dated 7/6/01 5:00:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
Stephanie writes:
>... I have the ferret (Bo) with Helicobactor.  He has not improved.
In Fox's Biology and Diseases of the Ferret, 2nd Edition, it says there is
a new treatment now for Helicobactor that has shown success in humans and
ferrets.  It says "Ferrets received 24 mg/kg ranitidine bismuth and 25
mg/kg clarithromycin by mouth three times daily for 2 weeks. ...long term
eradication was achieved in all six ferrets."
Ranitidine bismuth is NOT Pepto Bismol.  It is either Zantac or Pepcid...
but I can't remember which...I'm sorry.  I'm sure your vet would know.
I suggested this to a friend who was using the medications you've been
giving Bo.  She switched and saw almost immediate improvement.  Please
ask your vet about this new treatment.
My prayers are with your little guy.
Please give to Aleutian Disease research...the ferret you save may be your
[Posted in FML issue 3471]