Firstly I would just like to say this: Do we as the human race and parents
expect a "guarantee" when we parent a deaf child?  How can you put a price
or policy on a creature we appreciate so much?  How can MF guarantee
something that clearly God and or fate has inteded?  I've never owned a
deaf ferret so I possible couldn't understand the hardships, but it's just
my opinion.
With that said:  Flea and professional.
I work for a pest control company, so I would just like to share my
training and experience.  I strongly suggest to have a flea treatment
professionally done.  For many reasons; most places will give a guarantee
with service.  Chemicals used these days are totally safe for pets and
humans.  The EPA regulates these chemicals for obvious reasons.  Severe
flea problems should be left to the proffesioanl, but if your problem is
mild....doing it yourself may do the trick.  BUT, if the problem is severe,
doing it yourself will cost you more in the long run because anything
bought over the counter is not strong enough nor accurate enough compared
to a professional service, thus having to do many treatments.
Professionals should service the entire house including beds, carpet,
lenoleum, furniture, pet bedding, pretty much anything and everything in
the house.  BOMBS do not work!  The mist does not get everywhere that fleas
are hiding, like in cracks of the furniture and deep within the carpet!
Also be aware that flea eggs cannot be killed until they hatch, the egg
layer is too strong for any chemical to get through, thus you will need
another service about 15-30 days later when the eggs hatch, depending on
how severe the problem is.  Vacuuming should not be done for 2 weeks after
a treatment....this keeps the chemical there and working longer.  I know
this will be difficult with ferrets always on the floor, but it is
important to do this...the chemical will not make them sick.  Only during
the time while it is drying it is should dry within 4
hours, depeding humidity.  Pets and humans should be out of the house
during this time.  after the initial 2 weeks, you should vaccuum & mop
thoroughly, including furniture and cushions...again every nook and crany!
Just wanted to let you guys know the facts and best options availabe.  I
suggest having it done professionaly.  They know what they are doing,
they'll get the job done right qucker and cheaper than doing it yourself.
Good luck to you!
[Posted in FML issue 3471]