>i need to know if ferrets can get kennel cough?  We have a young pup from
>a pet store purchase that has it, currently isolated and being treated,
>but i want to b sure.  The vet that is treating Isis says she doesn't
>"think", that they can get it, but would like some absolutes?  Dr.
>Williams?  Can someone inform me?
Yup, ferrets can indeed get kennel cough (from the vaccine, even).
Treatment is the same as in dogs, supportive care, antibiotics if needed,
and isolation for the 3 weeks of contagion.
Hope this helps,
-Dr. Karen
This e-mail is provided for general informational purposes only.  It is
in no way intended as a replacement for a consultation with a qualified
licensed veterinarian.  If you are concerned about your pet's health, you
should seek the advice of your regular veterinarian as soon as possible.
[Posted in FML issue 3470]