First of all thank you to everyone who has responded so far, I appreciate
it so much.  I have the ferret (Bo) with Helicobactor.  He has not
improved.  His diarrhea has gotten much worse today.  Usually when I feed
him I aim for 15-20 ml at a time.  He will usually not fight me until I
have about 10 ml down him.  This afternoon and tonight he has done nothing
but fight me from the first bite.  I can not get the metronidazole down him
and when I do he vomits it back up.  I am so scared I am going to loose
him.  He is slightly dehydrated tonight, I am assuming from the diarrhea.
If anyone knows what I can do please give me an idea.  This has been going
on for 2 weeks tonight.  He is still currently on Amoxi (he will have been
on it for 2 weeks tomorrow), chlorphenicol (one week on Saturday) and
Thank you all again.
[Posted in FML issue 3470]