Oh Christine!  So happy for you and cutie Sophie!  (I'm new here and happy
to meet you guys, and what you wrote about Sophie and how she changed with
you really touched me!) She's a lucky girl and you seem to be a wonderful
The way she got on your bed and cuddled with you and kissed you is TOO
CUTE!!!  (especially for a traumatized ferret like her, what an incredible
accomplishment!!!) My boy Logan sometimes does that when I'm in bed (got
a Futon-like) but without the kisses, meanwhile the tiny girl Leeloo does
the kissed but not the jumpin'-in-be-to-cuddle or sleep!  Isn't it
incredible how different are every single ferret's pesonalities and
tastes!?!  I love that.
Another funny thing is that I got both my ferrets at the same time and they
already knew each other and all (from the shelter where they all pretty
much ran around free together), but in the beginning it was Leeloo who was
agressive, and sometimes she still gets grumpy with Logan... and he's more
then two times her size!!!  Now I gotta be careful when they're free that
I don't cuddle too much with him, 'cause I noticed she gets very grumpy if
she "catches us" LOL!  (jealous maybe?!)
Anyway, just wanted to congratulate both of you (and to say I really admire
you as a ferret-mom!), and hope dear Sophie and all your other cuties start
getting along great soon!
Take care and big hug,
Chris (as in Christina!)   :)
[Posted in FML issue 3470]