Today a friend called to say her uncle ran into what they thought was a
weasel in the Bartlet area of Illinois.  Their dog had been tied up outside
and attacked an animal that appeared to be a "black weasel."  Unfortunately
the animal got away before they could catch it to make sure it was okay.
After calling the local animal shelter, they found out that there are no
weasels in the Illinois area.  The shelter suggested that perhaps this
animal was someone's ferret that got out.  Tonight they are going to be
looking around for the animal in hopes of catching it to find out if its
If anyone is missing or knows of someone who is missing a ferret in that
area, please email me at [log in to unmask]  Hopefully we can help you
recover your poor lost ferret.  Or, if anyone has any ideas on what that
animal could be, please let me know that as well.
[Posted in FML issue 3495]