>I have a question about "Bandit" again, I took him to the vet and had him
>run the TP because I was suspicious of his adrenal disease coming back.
>(Bandit had left adrenal surgically removed and right was frozen with
>cryosurgery a year in 1/2 ago.) Bandit could be showing clinical signs of
>adrenal glands-hair loss on the tail and rear paws, lethargic but appetite
>Good!  What had me most worried was that I thought he might be straining
>to urinate cause while he was going the bathroom he seemed to tighten and
>release these muscles a lot.  Also his pee pee was always red looking
>which I know can be a sign too.
Certainly could, though you were right to have other tests done first.
>The hairloss I really believed to be a seasonal shed cause his coat is
>soft and shiny and a new color.  The straining I don't know if it's
>happening when he's just urinating or when he's moving his bowels and
>urinating at the same time.
>Anyway Bandit had a urinalysis done from a urine sample and it was
>negative.  Just recently I took him for an xray of the bladder and
>prostate-the vet took three different pictures cause Bandit kept moving.
>He saw a white spot in his bladder which he tried to get another picture
>of to confirm this but was unable.  The vet seems to think he has a stone
>in his bladder and it's causing an infection.  He's treating Bandit with
>Clavimox .  35 (2x) day for 10 days.  I am also waiting for the TP panel
>to come back to see if he has the adrenal disease back.  I should just
>mention Bandit has never needed the hormone injections so he has to have
>adrenal tissue or cells left behind.
I'd have an xray done under isoflorane - takes much less time and stress,
and you get a usable picture.
>Dr. Williams can you comment on the treatment prescribed by my vet and
>what tests do you perform when diagnosing bladder stone?
A good xray is very helpful, ultrasound can be useful too if there is any
>If it is a stone, what do I do to get rid of it other then operating?
>how serious can this be?
Stones should be surgically removed.  If the stone gets stuck in the
urethra, Bandit could die.  This is not common, but I wouldn't risk it.
>Also I had the vet run an in house blood glucose and the result was 78 is
>that OK?
Depends on the machine, but I consider 60-80 borderline, myself.
>Bandit's only been on the antibiotic two days and already is energy level
>seems to have increased-could that really be related to the meds so soon?
Sure could.
Acting as the stunt-Dr.Williams,
-Dr. Karen
This e-mail is provided for general informational purposes only.  It is
in no way intended as a replacement for a consultation with a qualified
licensed veterinarian.  If you are concerned about your pet's health, you
should seek the advice of your regular veterinarian as soon as possible.
[Sukie note: when Dr. William's had equipment problems due to a stray
bolt of heat lightning Dr. Purcell made sure that the list would have
veterinary coverage.  There are multiple vets who are Ferret Health List
members but sometimes many will be busy with other concerns.  We try to
have at least one on during any given day, though.  The Ferret Health
List is a source of information; it is not a substitute for prompt
hands-on veterinary care.]
[Posted in FML issue 3468]