>I went to the local SPCA to sign up for volunteering.  I ask them if they
>got ferrets in very often.  They said not really but when they did they
>couldn't adopt them out b/c they couldn't get a rabies shot!
You can go to the AVMA website, and look in the professional resources for
the "Compendium of Animal Rabies Control".  It is usually in three separate
parts.  Print up all three and give them to the SPCA for them to learn
from.  It's great, though, that they pass the ferrets on to a rescue.
Some still kill them.  There are a number of emergency rooms and local
health dept.s around the nation which are likely to still need this data,
too, even though things changed in November of 1997 due to extensive CDC
work.  That's why it is always best when people send things on to those
who are local to them: many hands make light work, and if more do it then
someone won't be repeating this message in 2007.
[Posted in FML issue 3492]