I went to the local SPCA to sign up for volunteering.  I ask them if they
got ferrets in very often.  They said not really but when they did they
couldn't adopt them out b/c they couldn't get a rabies shot!  I told her
that my vet gives Sassy her shot once a year like a dog... Anyway she said
that they do give them to the local ferret rescue.  Have you ever heard of
this before?  I thought they were supposed to be up to date on this info.
I bought a Wiggly Giggly dumbbell for my dog.  They make a sound like
ferret jibberish when you move them.  Anyway, Sassy has laid claim to the
new toy.  She loves it.  A little too big for her to chew on (it's the same
size as she is), but it sure is funny to watch her roll it across the floor
hee hee!  Poor pups, maybe the novelty will wear off.
Tiffany & Sassy
[Posted in FML issue 3491]