>Hello Christine.  My heart goes out for this little one.  I'm sorry I
>can't help out ,but my best wishes go with sophie and you, for your love
>of this little girl.  Good luck.
thank you jimmy- actually today was a big day for sophie- she actually did
a bit ( just a tiny bit) of a war dance after i rolled her over and tickled
her belly--so it appears she is at least becoming interested in life again-
and will allow me to touch her -- when she first came she would try to
avoid touch at all costs--and she was so depressed i didnt; know if she
would ever war dance even a tiny bit--
she still looks pretty awful- but as i said is sweet natured despite all
which i can;t believe--i don;t know what she must have been thru for her to
have shown up in the conditon she did- healed fractures and everything--
but i will do what i have to make sure sophie's second chance is a good
[Posted in FML issue 3468]