On the topic of all this violence and anger towards people who obviously
shouldn't be allowed to keep animals because the've neglected theirs so
Recently I went on a short vacation.  I was gone for a week.  Prior to
this, I asked a person I thought knew me and my ferrets well enough to
take care of them to my satisfaction for a week.
I had everything set up.  The food, with instructions, the litter, the
garbage bags, a full stock of extra blankies in case they messed theirs
up somehow.  I warned this vile person that she would have to check the
bedding every day, because my Shirley is very fond of fresh, cold water,
and will hold her nail to the water bottle and let the water run out if it
too stale.  (in the process completely drenching all the blankets).  So,
warnings about frequent water and litter changes given, I went on vacation
with almost no worries.
However, I made a very bad judgement call.  Upon my return, I noticed a
horrid stench in my home.  I examined my ferret's cage, to find that the
litter boxes were overflowing with feces and soaked litter, and that the
girls had no food, no water, there bedding was soaked, and worst...(oh,
horrors) there were flies and their younger counterparts in the litter.
Furious, I called this person that I had trusted, only to find out that
this is apparently how her ferrets get treated....she does litter, food,
and water once a week and that's it....a suprise to me because whenever
I've visited, her ferrets have had clean bedding, plenty of water AND food.
Naturally, I refused to pay her for her "services" and told her that I
wanted nothing more to do with her, but if she ever wanted to give her
ferrets a home where they'd have better care, I was more than willing to
take them for her.
My poor ferrets were so excited to see me... they were dooking in the
cage, climbing the wires, and practically drowned me with fert kisses.
Everything is alright with them now.  They have fresh, cool water, fresh
food, and clean blankies.  Their litterpans are nice and clean, and all
is much better in their world.
My only problem now is how I somehow mistook this person for someone who I
could trust as a fellow ferret lover and friend.  Let everyone be warned,
not all fert people are what they appear.  I've more than learned my
leason, and the next time I travel, my ferts are going with me, or to a
knowledgeable vet for boarding.
~ Tricia ~
and a much happier Bella, Shirley and Kayla.
[Posted in FML issue 3490]