Thank you everyone who has already responded, that was a nice thing to see
first thing this morning.  I'll make a couple of things clear that I did
not in my first post.  Bo was already sick by the time I got the new baby
home that evening.  He was fine before I went to work.  My husband called
and left me a message to get the ferret I already had my eye on if I could
because Bo was very depressed before he went to work that day.  By the
time we both got home he was sick.  The new addition has not gotten sick as
of this point.  The vet does not think it is ECE, therefore does not think
he is contagious.  We discussed putting him on prednisone but since he is
grinding his teeth we do not want to make any ulcers he may have worse.
His stomach also makes very strange gurgling noises.  They can get very
loud.  This really seems to bother him.
Thank you again for all of the responses I have already gotten.  If anyone
else has suggestions I would love to hear them.  I will try to thank you
all personally.  Please understand if I cannot get to it right away.  All
of my free time seems to go to nursing Bo.
[Posted in FML issue 3468]