Yesterday, someone posted that they didn't see a problem with the statement
"if your ferret kit wont stop biting, you should check with the pet store
to see if you can "trade it in" for another one."
The reason why many of us see a problem with this statement is because many
pet stores return ferrets to the breeders where they can be euthanized.
A ferret is a life and shouldn't be punished with death because someone
is unable to handle him.  A living thing shouldn't be returned like an
article of clothing or something.  If there were a guarantee that the
store wouldn't send the ferret back to the farm and would work with the
animal to make him more sociable for the next customer, then I wouldn't z
see a problem.  However, this is the real world, where things (both living
and non-living) are often disposable.  Although some pet stores DO have a
heart, many simply look at animals as "merchandise" and the result for the
poor animal may be death.
[Posted in FML issue 3487]