Thank you Amy Flemming for being civil and mature.  I am sorry if anyone
sent you anything nasty.  I, for one, did not view your concerns as
anything against Sukie.  I viewed your concerns as concerns, nothing
else, nothing hurtful or inflammatory.  You are certainly entitled to
your opinion, just like the rest of us.  Please, people, don't send Amy
anything nasty for voicing her concerns, that simply is not fair.
On another note...
Is anyone out there a snowboarder?  The reason I ask is that this year,
I am planning to purchase a new board and would like to have a ferret
graphic(s) painted on.  I certainly would love it if anyone would be
willing to send me a cool graphic to put on it!  I am having a difficult
time finding someone to do this to the snowboard.  Apparently, it would
have to be "stripped" and refinished once the graphic is put on.  If anyone
snowboards and knows anything about this stuff, please email me privately.
Right now, I am in the process of trying to get some misinformation on
ferrets corrected.  A radio station in my area has a pet section on their
site and ferrets are part of it.  There is an article on there suggesting
that if your ferret kit wont stop biting, you should check with the pet
store to see if you can "trade it in" for another one.  This upset me and
encourages irresponsible ownership.  This was just one of several pieces
of bad information and suggestions.  I will let all of you know what
transpires once I hear back.  I will then provide you with the URL of this
site but I don't want to name names unless they are unwilling to make some
changes.  Then I will post who to contact, get things changed.
[Posted in FML issue 3485]