Hi all,
i have a question.
A ferret - owner here from Germany has talk me from a sick ferret.  This
ferret was found of us army post and was very light, the fur was meesy.
The Vet says after many checks, he has a allergic of silicon, this was in
his testicle.
Is it right, that one after castrate from ferret - male, one he give
silicone in there testicle?  Give it homepages to this problem or is this
not right?
sorry for my bad english ;)
 Daniela Schurig          [log in to unmask]
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 =======> http://www.FrettchenNet.de <=======
 Ferienklick.de - Jede Menge Urlaub auf einen Blick!
 Hier geht's zu Ihrem Traumstrand: http://ferienklick.de/?PP=2-0-100-105-1
[Posted in FML issue 3485]