>>From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
>>Subject: Sharon in No Arlington
>>Don't get too excited yet.  There are a couple FFZ's in NJ, and North
>>Arlington might be one of them.  Please get in touch with your town
>>before you sign that lease...
>Just in case anyone else was concerned.  I called the North Arlington
>Board of health and Ferrets ARE totally LEGAL in North Arlington, NJ.
>If anyone else wanted to verify it for themselves, their number is
>201-955-5695.  Thank you for your concern, Im glad I didnt walk into a
>situation that I was not prepared for.  I didnt think any place in NJ
>was a FFZ?  Was I wrong?  Does anyone know of towns in NJ that are
>verified FFZ's?
I actually don't know of any since the FG&W and Health Dept. were willing
to testify in favor of ferrets at a trial that got dropped by the plaintiff
(a town) several years ago.  There certainly may be, though, since
misinformed folks are not a rarity anywhere.  That means that I also am
curious about which, where, and why.  Haven't heard of any FFZs in NJ in
ages, so would appreciate clarification of the original statement so that
can learn more and folks can tackle those areas by providing friendly and
accurate information as the first step.  What we certainly do have a lot of
here are landlords who ban pets, and sometimes condo or coop communities
that ban pets or certain pets.  (Dogs bans aren't very unusual in that
situation since one of the past -- defunct -- largest builders wrote them
into the by-laws of every one of their, and those often were the only
affordable housing many areas for people who couldn't or wouldn't spend
many hundreds of thousands.)
>Am making an emergency trip to michigan and need to take 2 of my furrbutts
>with me.  Are they legal in mich?  Am going to flint in gennesee county
>for family emergency.  You can answer here or email me at
>[log in to unmask] thankyou.  Am leaving this sunday morning.
Have been legal for several years.  Expect that there may be communities
here and there where they aren't.  The ONLY states in the U.S. which
continue to ban ferrets are CA and HI.  Many of us recall the favorable
changes happening in multiple states such as Maryland, Massachusetts, and
[Posted in FML issue 3484]