We took two of our ferrets, Autumn and Boo to Walmart one day.  While we
shopped, they slept curled up in our sweater in the cart.  Perfect, right?
We decided to take advantage of this and stopped at McDonald's for a bite.
I grabbed the table closest to the back so we could leave the cart o
weasels just outside the McDonald's but within our reach.  There was also
an elderly gentleman sitting, facing the outside of the store that glanced
over from time to time.  Needless to say, we no sooner sat down to eat when
the sweater in the cart started to move around.  The elderly man's head
moved forward about 6 inches as if this would help him believe what his
eyes were seeing.  Trying to calm the stirring weasels, we gave them pieces
of chicken mcnugget (Breading removed of course).  So y'know the next thing
the old man sees is us slipping pieces of mcnugget into a writhing sweater.
His jaw dropped and he stared on as we continued feeding ourselves and the
sweater.  We were in stitches.  To this day I'm sure he wonders what on
earth was in the writhing sweater.
[Posted in FML issue 3454]