Last week myself and 2 other members of our local companion bird club
attended an *educational* demonstration about birds.  Not bad, and I am
glad to see this as it indicates to us that a large chain sees a need and
is doing something about it.  Now to the point, while there we talked to
a gentleman that was shopping with his 3 ferrets.  2 in the cart (playing)
and one dear older lady with cataracts tucked in his shirt.  There was
quite a crowd asking all sorts of ??  and he patiently answered them all.
I mentioned we had just recently obtained our first (2) ferrets, and he
commented you should always have 3.  There were more ??  and people, the
bird presentation started and I did not get a chance to ask him to explain
further.  This comment has stuck with me, so I thought I'd ask those in the
know.  I see by the signatures on this list that most have more than 2.
If I had my druthers I would have more too.  However I'm trying to see
the whole picture.  We have other animals (responsibilities), right now
an older very sick kitty that my life is revolving around not to mention
the recent vet bills.  I want to be able to afford veterinary care for who
ever might need it at any moment, so the sensible side of me says 2 ferrets
are enough.  However since I'm just learning about these wonderful little
animals, perhaps there is good reason to add another (other than just more
fun).  Any thoughts??
In Touch, Ardith
3 donkeys  2 kitties  2 dogs  4 parrots  5 desert tortoises  2 ferrets  1
husband  not necessarily in that order
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[Posted in FML issue 3454]