I have been reading the posts for the last few days in regards to Matan.
From what I have seen, there has been a lot of fussing, but a lot of
people seem to be reacting like he is an adult and from the US culture.
What my point is
#1 He is from Israel.  This culture is totally different from the "Western"
culture.  Over in the Middle East "most" women are still treated as
property and they have no greater value than to be breeding/sex machines
like animals.  In fact, I read somewhere where the men put more importance
on their animals than they do their women.  This attitude seems to be
coming out in his posts.
#2 Definitely a language barrier: here again, the confusion.  Whomever
wrote the note explaining about the difference between "Heat" as in
breeding and the "Heat" as in temperature was more on the mark.  Matan is
obviously confused by the Americanism of using one word with two different
#3 He is apparently still young, High School age?  This would show why such
importance on his parents.  Over there, (again, just observations from US
immigrants) the children are a lot more respectful of their parents and do
not seem to "individualize" from them as our US children do.
Now, that said, How about everyone take a step back, deep breath and pass
on the facts.  I am not a breeder so someone that has more experience might
have to step in.  But from what I have picked up:
Fact: Jills that are not bred will stay in continuous "Heat" until
      they are bred, have a vacectomized male or a shot to bring them out
      of heat.  The "Heat" we are talking about has nothing to do with the
      outside temperature.
Fact: Jills will die of aplastic anemia (how about someone explaining,
      calmly to him what this means could be words that are hard to
Fact: Matan needs to get a vacectomized male to service her.  That way,
      when she is ready to have another litter, she can.  AND, this will
      also take care of the issue he seems to have that she has to have
      sex for pleasure (here again, how about those more knowledgable give
      him the explaination of what we mean by vacetomized and the facts on
      how this works)
We know that this is drive to reproduce and not for pleasure, but come on
folks, take into consideration his culture.
Since this is about the only information that I have in regards to
breeding, how about one of our more knowledgeable Breeders/retired Breeders
send a post to him privately or on the list with the facts and suggestions
on breeding.
BIG, sorry this is so long but this is getting way out of hand
Goliath & Baby
and in our hearts Bubba Weedeater
[Moderator's note: It is getting out of hand.  But there is a much
information to be exchanged.  I get the hints though -- it will soon
be time to wind this up.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3453]