I have been following the whole Matan saga for awhile but I have never
wrote or commented becuase I KNOW I am not the one to give advice.
However, the posts have upset me so much lately, I had to write.  Also,
I didn't write persnally to Matan because I have heard that he doesn't
respond.  So this is a message to you, Matan.
1) Everybody is trying to help and you are not listening.
2) How is it WRONG to spay your ferret when it is a matter of LIFE and
   DEATH!?!?  You're right, I DON'T understand your problem.
3) Getting a hob for her second litter this year is going to drain her of
   a lot of energy and she will be lacking a lot of that good stuff which
   will produce a nice litter.
4) I hope the people in Israel who want ferrets as much as you do will get
   their's FIXED after you provide them with one.  Or else there will be
   MANY MORE PEOPLE with the same problem as you and then Israel will end
   up with an overpopulation.  In one year, when your ferret has babies
   and her babies have babies and so on there WILL be an overpopulation
   no matter how many people want ferrets in Israel.
5) I was also very upset as this comment: "i think that it is wrong 2 spay
   an animal, as it is 1 of the 2 basic needs of her.  she cares only 4
   those 2 instincts and it is cruel to notlet her have, even if its better
   4 her health.".  There are many more things my ferrets, who are all
   fixed, care for than breeding.  Instincts they have include climbing,
   playing, being inquisitive ... the list is ENDLESS!  As for basic needs,
   apart from mating include fresh water, food supplied at all times,
   shelter and most of all LOVE.  Having you consider mating to be the
   basic need as well as instinct is very selfish and untrue.
6) I wish you would take the information so many people have been supplying
   you with and take it SERIOUSLY!  Because no one will feel sorry for you
   when you lose your ferret.  We will be sorry for the FERRET who had to
   suffer an unnecessary death.
PS> SOrry if this is a harsh message.  I am just so upset, as I am sure
many others are.  I pray for Matan's jill to be happy and healthy soon.
[Posted in FML issue 3452]