>About taking them in Target and restaurants.  They allowed this?  I'd
>love to hear more info about allowing pets in businesses.
>I wasn't the one who asked about the cavies, that was someone else :)
To tell the truth I've never asked.  But this is a retirement community and
lots of the older women take their little dogs into stores in their purses,
baby baskets, picnic baskets etc.  Ferrets are generally quiet.  The only
time I ran into a problem was at the return center in Walmart which shares
space with the McDonalds.  LOL!  I had been standing there for 20 min!
Waiting.  No one said anything till it was almost my turn!  I told them
to get bent (nicely) and that my ferrets and I would be leaving as soon
as my exchange was finished.  Their only concern was the proximity to the
restaurant.  Which in hindsight I had never really come close to.  I always
entered through the garden area, went to pets and checked out in the
sporting goods dept.  Quick and easy.  I saw their point but it didn't stop
me from taking the ferts there, I just make sure I don't have returns those
Target too.  Ours has a food court but I've never heard anything there in
the way of a complaint.  Again I enter through the garden center and check
out there, cause its quick.
AND the grocery stores.  I swear I really thought I would have been asked
to leave or at least to not bring an animal in there, but even though
managers have stopped me to look, pet and ask questions, and I have held
impromptu ferret ownership lessons in the cereal aisle, no one has asked me
to leave or not bring the ferrets back.  I consider myself lucky mostly.
But I talk quietly, softly and depending on the attitude of the person,
if they ask why is an animal in the store, I pretend it was a "sorta"
emergency and it wasn't a stop I had planned.  But I think I've only done
that twice.
So I think I will take two ferts to Walmart today!  And really push my
luck.  We need more storage boxes for their toys anyway!
[Posted in FML issue 3452]