Dear FML Friends,
I am a long-time lurker, but seldom write.  I enjoy reading all of your
comments, stories, and questions.  My wife and I are owned by three
noodles: Natalie, Gidget, and Geoffrey.  They are all 2 1/2 years old.
Oh, and we have 2 cats, Molly and Garth.  Technically, Garth is half-cat,
half-ferret.  He was raised since a kitten with the ferrets, and I don't
think he realizes that he is NOT just a big ferret.  He sits up and begs
for raisins, plays with their toys, and even tries to sleep in their cage
with them.  Much to his dismay, he is too big to fit in their hammock with
them (he weighs about 13 lbs.!)
We have recently moved to the Northern Chicago area, and have not found
a vet.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  Also, is the Chicago Ferret
Association, or whatever it is called, a good organization?  Or are there
any other Chicagoland Area groups?  Any advice would be great.  Thank you
in advance.
The show "Meet the Weasles" is actually one of many on a show called
"Nigels Wild, Wild World", and he does all kinds of good specials.  His
shows usually repeat throughout the season.  My suggestion is to just
watch the Discovery Channel (which is our "pile of noodles" favorite
channel), and just wait to see when it comes on next.  Or, you may want
to check on, and see if they have a listing of showtimes
(my internet is down, or I would do it myself).  But those are just a
couple of suggestions.
Another Question...This past winter, my wife and I went to Home Depot and
purchased 2 bags of Fireplace Pellets.  It was a great litter, and very,
very, very cheap.  40 lb bags. for $4.50, I think.  We went through the 80
lbs.  fairly quickly (about 5 months).  When we went to buy more, we were
told that it is a seasonal item only, and that they (Home Depot) didn't
carry it.  Anyone in the Chicagoland Area know of a local place to buy it?
I hate having to spend $11.00 to $15.00 on a 20lb. bag, when this stuff is
essentially the same, and works better, in my opinion.  Again, any advice
would be greatly appreciated.
Well, that's all for now, but I think I'll be writing more often.  All
of you are like an extended ferret family.  Take care, and dook all day
Mike and Mary: sent with permission by
  Natalie (I hope daddy forgets to pick up the kitty's food off the floor)
  Geoffrey (Hmmm...cuddle with mommy, or torture the cats? TORTURE!!!)
  Molly the Cat (please, please just leave me alone...OUCH!)
  Garth the Cat (c'mon, put 'em up, put 'em up...I'll murderize ya)
[Posted in FML issue 3450]