Most of our ferrets are going outdoors, those who live indoors in cages
live some part outdoors in the garden or shed, also we walk with them on
a leash (no problem) or they are free to dig in the garden (some with a
We are joining countryfarms etc and we travel with them in carriers etc no
problem they never feel sick or so and step into the carrier as soon as we
put them down (even if we go to the vet).
Some like to sit on our shoulder or in our coat others (mostly only the
very young ones and sick ones) we carrie in a special bag.
Bye Carmen
Ferret's Friend Forever T.O.P. Shelter
-for indoor & outdoor ferrets-
NL - Pb 12, 4024 ZG, Eck en Wiel
Tel/Fax. (+31)0344-692790 of (+31)0627-001165
[Posted in FML issue 3450]