A gift to LOKI
This morning I gave a gift to a special friend, Zen Master LOKLI.  We both
washed up, and went to the local McDonalds.  We got a big chocolate shake
and wandered over to the park.  It was still early, lots of dew on the
grass, still cool and fresh.  LOKI sat in the grass, sniffed till I
thought he'd burst.  He had a few drops of milk shake and with a big sigh
he plopped in the moist grass.
After a while we went to sniff the lake water and a sleepy duck or two.
From there we went on a short ride LOKI was sniffing the breeze and
blinking, he seemed to be having a good time even though I refused to
listen to the Howard Stern show for him...
From there we went to see Dr. John.
LOKI and I sat in the car, talked for a bit, and sat quiet for a while.  He
let me know he was ready, It was time to go with a big wet nose kiss.  He
even managed to hold my chin with his front paws, and held his nose against
mine for a moment.  I hope he didn't hear my heart break.
It was time, he told me it was OK.
As usual Dr.John was as kind and respectful as I could hope.  Master
LOKI's passing was as soft as one could wish.  He was in no more pain,
he is running and rolling as he should.
LOKI was suffering with kidney failure.  He tried, he tried hard.
So Master LOKI, the only gift I had to offer you was your freedom.  Freedom
to finally play and run as you should.
BUDDY, Weezle and Dad
Any married man should forget his mistakes.  There's no use in two people
remembering the same thing.
[Posted in FML issue 3449]