Hi Aileen;
I'd add a dropper or two of clear "Willard Water" to his water and food, it
helps the kidneys function and nutrition absorbtion by making water
"wetter".  Most good health stores have it.  Also, here's what I'm doing,
and my sig., has Timmy's website with more info and background.  Ther's a
lot of things you can do to help:)
This is the daily regime my guys are on currently: (a/o 5/01/01)
I've had them on Timmy's in water available all the time next to their
regular pure water for 3 yrs now, & their fur is very soft & thick.  ( I
put maby a tsp.  in 1/2 cup of water, so it's the color of weak iced tea.
If I use a water bottle, I put some warm water in it, then pour in about
1/2" of Timmy's that settles to the bottom, mix gently, then fil to the
top with water.  For only a couple of kids I use a small 4 oz.  Bottle so
it won't leak if partially filled.) ..  After mixing & exposed to the air
it's good for about 2 days, and they won't drink it if it goes wierd.
Lately, I'm adding a dropper of Willard Water, clear to the tonic water, &
a couple to their regular water to help absorption.  It's also helped Terry
who had adrenal symptoms including intermittant urinating, & he's now going
normally & grew back the fur on his head that was gone for a few months.
When I first started having it available all the time, there was about 2
weeks of loose stools that normalized, (cleansing effect) and at the end
of the 3rd week they were jumping around like little bunnies:) Also, after
that they drank far less tonic water per day At first it was mostly tonic
water, now it's with food mostly and regular water in between.
Dayna's shelter found out years ago that the Timmy's in water available all
the time stops insulinomic symptoms flat!  They "self medicate" she said.
They also have chosen Natures' Recipe feline maintinence food for 95% of
their diet, going thru some 4 lbs vs.  1 cup of totally ferret.  What is
special about this food is it has NO corn, which ferrets can't digest.  It
winds up displacing nutrition.  NR has whole pearl barley instead.
I also offer them 500ppm colloidal silver from Silver Wings Colloidal
Silver 800-952-4787 ; 615-952-4787; Liz Smith is one of the owners &
very ferret friendly.  It is the ONLY company I trust as they have a
pharmaceutical house make a true electrostatic suspension, not a silver
salt solution.  They lick it off the dropper until they shake their heads
like it's better all of a sudden, & that's enough for today.  It's the only
thing which will shrink swollen spleens, and acts as a natural anti-biotic,
anti-viral, and anti-fungual.  Since doing this I've fought off colds but
they haven't caught any.  Their 4 oz.  Bottle with dropper is abt.  $29.00
Weekly or when I can, I try & make up Timmy's recipe for the Greens+ etc.
benefit, as a treat, and to have them receptive to it in case they get
Every few days I have to offer them what I have for breakfast, which
is about 8 oz. apple juice, a heaping tsp.  of Greens+, a tsp. of
nutritional yeast (I use Twinlabs super nutritional for taste & potency),
and about 3/4 scoop of Spiru-tine banana flavored protein powder.  I add
an ounce or 2 of pure water & shake vigerousely with a cap on the glass.
I didn't know how much they like it until one day Tommy came over, sniffed
my glass, closed his eyes & proceeded to drink 1/4 of the whole glassJ So
I share about 1/2 cup of it with them all in a small dish & it's quickly
gone.  It also tells me it's good for me as they don't ever drink coffee!
Take care, hugs to all
Gary & the gang of fur
Timmy's web site=<http://www.concentric.net/~Gferret/>; He's the ferret
totally healed from "terminal lymphoma" without drugs or surgery. :)
Timmy's tonic now available at http://www.ferretstore.com/holmed.html
Timmy's Mailing List = http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/TimmyFerret
Timmy's Forum = http://forums.delphi.com/m/main.asp?sigdir=TimmyFerret
Another emil for me is <[log in to unmask]>, in case the indrirect.com has
[Posted in FML issue 3448]