>From:    [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Please do not believe me
>Please do not believe what I wrote on MF a few days ago.  Do not believe
>person x or y, and what they have written recently. Many, many hours were
>spent by a number of people to research what we could on MF for all of
you last year.  The on-line addresses are with all or almost all of the
>articles I sent to all of you on the FML.  Just write down those
>addresses, read the articles from various sources, and decide for
>yourself.  There is no sense in me responding to the same old, same old.
>Believe no one.  Find out for yourself.
In fact, Lisette, many of those who have supported Marshall Farms in the
past, and stood up for them, have been known to change their tune.  It
would not be fair of me to name names because they obviously are not coming
forward about it due to the backlash from some of those who do support
Marshall Farms (who can blame them?) So who is right?  Well, probably until
those who support them experience some of the things I have and some others
have or actually witness how these animals are shipped, then they wont
believe anything but good regarding Marshall Farms.  My first ferret was a
Marshall Farms ferret, and I thought they were such a good company then,
but now?  No!  The amazing thing is that back then was when all the reports
were first coming out (inspection reports, etc...) and I chose not to
believe what I read.  I just did not have enough contact with them
previously to realize how very little they care about the well-being of
ferrets.  Also, someone on here (cannot remember who) asked for you to
supply the name of the vet who gave the report.  I can understand asking
for this clarification since I have asked a few Marshall Farms supporters
to come forth with who they obtain(ed)their information from.  This is
important if people are to believe any of what is stated.  Not simply, "my
contacts at Marshall Farms said this" or "a vet I know said this." If you
would rather provide the name(s) of your source(s) via private email, that
would be good also, but I have a hard time believing anyone who makes such
claims and then cannot back them up.  I am not referring to Lisette because
I believe that she has, in past postings, revealed her source(s).  Three
people emailed me about what I reported and I gladly passed along the
contact information and phone extension of the Marshall Farms Manager I
spoke with.  There is no reason for Marshall Farms to hide from people, is
there?  They need to own what they say.
This is not to suggest that any money or efforts that they put into
legalization issues should be refused, but one must consider why they would
be involved in such an endeavor.  I would much rather see them donate more
to shelters, ADV research and things of that nature that will actually
benefit ferrets, not help legalize ferrets in order to further line their
pockets.  Think about it, if ferrets are legalized in all areas, this opens
up the door for them (both products and the sale of more ferrets).  If they
were simply a concerned party with no financial gain from the legalization
of ferrets, I might not feel so strongly or if they were nicer and more
concerned when someone calls them to report something important that could
affect future breeding on their premises or that ferrets from there are
being shipped in horrific conditions, I might feel that they are actually
concerned with more than just profits.  Until I witness differently, I will
remain entitled to my opinions based on MY actual experiences with them,
not everyone elses.
After all, what does any ferret enthusiast have to gain by bashing Marshall
Farms?  NOTHING!  I am not a breeder or another farm competing with them,
nor do I produce ferret supplies, so what would I have to gain?  What would
anyone who voices concerns on this board (other than a competing business)
have to gain?  Let's consider the motivation and concern before jumping to
conclusions over why someone voices what they do.  I certainly doubt that
Lisette has anything to gain by revealing what she knows about Marshall
Farms.  Has anyone thought about this part of the equation?
There is nothing I would like more than to feel that Marshall Farms cares
about ferrets, but my experiences and the examples I have seen do not put
them in that category.  Until I see or experience differently, I must form
opinions based on my own personal experiences.  What else is there for me
to base this on?
Keep educating people, Lisette.  One day they will have an experience that
may alter their perceptions, just as others have had and then, like me,
they will think back to the articles and reports that they turned their
noses up at.
P.S.  No, whatever Danielle posted about her ferret drinking a spilled
alcoholic beverage, that was not me.  Although those lemonade drinks are
good and I am quite sure my bunch would have done the same, it wasn't me!
[Posted in FML issue 3447]