You might remember my posting several weeks ago about my upcoming move and
my need for crash space over Memorial Day week end for myself, 13 ferrets,
dogs, and cats.
I want to publicly thank Erika again for volunteering her wonderful home to
me and my critter crew!  We stayed and enjoyed her hospitality immensely!
I couldn't have made it down without her!!
The second night didn't work out as planned and I had to drive straight
through.  I was incredibly tired, but we made it.
We are now moved into the house, but not completely unpacked.
Unfortunately, I lost one of my ferrets shortly after arriving.  She had
been showing signs of cancer for a few months - maybe longer (so I do not
believe she died due to the move.  All the ferrets had made this trip
before and travelled exceptionally well).  She'd had adrenal surgery in
late January, but most of her symptoms remained.  She had had some wierd
thing going on with her feet.  The nail beds had turned black and her feet
were often red and swollen.  She never seemed to experience any pain with
them though.  She saw 4 or 5 different vets over a year for the foot thing
and it was never correctly diagnosed - I don't believe this was due to the
vets, but rather to this strange condition.  I had sought advice on the FML
and the FHL and the best we could do was guess at cancer.  My vet believes
that was most likely the cause as no antibiotics, antifungals, etc.
provided any long-term improvements.
She might also have had adrenal cancer.  I did not have the gland biopsied,
so I don't know for sure.  There might have been a combination of problems
(most likely there were).
One of the others (Tracy) had bonded with her and spent most of her time
(even playtime when Cricket didn't have the energy to play) with Cricket
in her hammock.  She went through a depression, but did not stop eating
and is now sleeping with the others again.
Cricket was a very sweet ferret and among the most friendly I've known.
She will be sorely missed.
[Posted in FML issue 3447]