Hi everyone!
I've been having a problem with one of my ferrets, Crash, for some time now
when it comes to bath time.  He is terrified of it.  The little guy tenses
up whenever he thinks he is being carried to the bathroom (even though he's
happy to explore it on his own) and starts to shriek when he is anywhere
near the tub, whether there is water in it or not.  Crash is a pretty
nervous ferret to begin with.  He is also a spaz.  We bought him from a
local pet store, but he was almost full grown, maybe about six months old
or so.  From the way he acts, I am starting to think that maybe someone had
bought him previously and returned him after a bad incident.  He used to
scream even if something startled him, like a door openeing unexpectedly,
but now it is only the bathtub that really bothers him.  Lately, he calms
down once he is actually in the tub (still nervous though), but he screams
all the way in.  I feel bad making him go through this, so I haven't been
washing him as much, but I'd like to know if anyone has any ideas about
this.  Has this happened to any one else?  Or is there any way I can help
Crash get over this fear?  Please let me know if you can help.  Thanks!
Kristine & Bofa, Nikita, Morty, Meko, Crash, & Snook
[Posted in FML issue 3446]