>My question is for all those who are feeding soup to their fuzzies. Since
>Icabod has been getting the baby food with kibble his stool is very soft
>and if I give him too much baby food and not enough solid kibble it's
>runny.  Do all your ferrets who eat the soup constantly have runny stool?
>Is it OK to have runny stool long term?
It is pretty common on the liquid diets, due to the fast transit time.
You can try using less liquid in the soup.
-Dr. Karen
This e-mail is provided for general informational purposes only.  It is
in no way intended as a replacement for a consultation with a qualified
licensed veterinarian.  If you are concerned about your pet's health, you
should seek the advice of your regular veterinarian as soon as possible.
[Posted in FML issue 3444]