I have written several times over the years of the wetlands I am butted up
against, and all the people fishing who leave hooks that end up in a ducks
face or a goose wing,and all the dead fish that had their lips ripped from
the hook that are tossed back in the water and die of starvation , and the
lines left that snagged numerous birds.  It was becoming dangerous to let
the ferrets walk in the area anymore.  After killing almost all the fish
last year--there were all these people fishing while the few remaining
fish are trying to mate.  I have been so upset.  Boy, have I been praying
up a storm.
And so , it has come to pass that I have been THE active force to actually
make it against the law to fish in the wetlands here anymore!!!!!!!!!!
Loner, unpolitical, blathering me: and soo many prayers.  My deep, profound
thanks to all of you who prayed with me for this.  The no fishing signs
just went up.  Yahooey!
Thank you also for your advice on ear mites.  Of interest, despite the
consistent twice a day liquid medication in the ear AND cleaning the ears
twice a day-black gross muck never stopped coming out of the ferrets' ears.
I took them to the vets for the shots.  It has only been two days, and I
can barely get anything out of their ears now.  That Ivermectin surely
works quickly.  We go back again in two weeks.  Big expense to do this.
All because of Miss Mini-Me.
Mini-Me was terrified of the travelling and the vet office.  She savagely
bit ferrets in the face in the carrier.  They had to be treated by the vet.
I had to pull over the car and pull her out of the carrier.  Multiple
ferrets were screaming and hissing.  Mini-Me was shaking all over.  She did
the same thing at the office.
But she trusted me!  I was expecting her painful twisting bites.  Instead,
she cuddled in my arms like a baby.I held her in my arms all the way
driving home.  She snuggled and whimpered and kissed my hand.  I was
charmed and enchanted once more by my little Tazmanian Devil.
Makes up for biting me bloody in the nose two weeks ago.  Looked like I
had picked zits on my nose: swollen, and blood crusted scabs anyone?
Maybe someday I will be able to stop kissing tiny ferret faces----
[Posted in FML issue 3444]