Hey you!  Yes!  You!  Remember when we were in Toronto last year for the
symposium and we were discussing how great it was?  Remember we said what
an awesome job Randy did and how it must be so cool to be a part of
something so special!  Remember that?  Well, the chance to be a part of
that special team has come around again!  I was going over the regional
coordinator list and didn't see your name!  Why not?
And you....yes, you in front of that computer!!  Remember how you thought
about going to Toronto but then changed your mind!  Remember how you kicked
yourself repeatedly when you heard how great it was!  Why isn't your name
on that regional coordinator list?
Come on, guys!  You and I both know there is no one who could do the job
better!  We talked about this, remember!?!  It's not that much work....
talking to ferret folk, sending some e-mails, talking to ferret folk,
hanging some flyers!
What are you waiting for?  Now....right now, get that message sent to
Shelby letting her know you want to help!
   <[log in to unmask]>
Tell her Judy sent you!  She's waiting on ya!
Judy Cooke
[Posted in FML issue 3444]