Dooks to all on the FML, It is a bright and Sunny (I think its the sun,
been nothing but clouds for last 1-1/2 months) in NE Michigan (We say
the Sunrise Side here by Lake Huron, at least it use to rise over here).
Personal note to Julie & Betty on their loss of Dolly & Digger.
I know how much it hurts to lose these precious little bundles of unselfish
love and joy.  I extend my heartfelt sympathies to you both.  But do
not hold yourself guilty for mistakes made, for no person on earth is
error-free.  I lost two beautiful boys after surgery for Adrenal Disease.
I had been told by a vet that they could wait for surgery.  But when
surgery took place, our regular vet advised me that their Diseased Adrenals
(one on right side, one on left side) were 4 times larger than any he
had ever seen before.  He also stated that they died because the other
healthy adrenal gland had probably shut down because the diseased adrenal
over-produced cortisone, which is needed by the body.  Unfortunately, he
did not remember the write-up we had given him by Dr.Bruce Williams, DVM,
that cautioned that this could happen, which it did.
Otherwise, our two boys might still be with us today.  But hindsight is
always 20/20.  Therefore, do not be so harsh upon yourself for errors made.
Try to learn from them for the benefit of the rest of our fuzzy families.
Also remember, God loves you, and He forgives us our mistakes (or sins).
All we have to do is ask Him for forgiveness.  Further, you will see
Dolly & Digger again, when you come into God's Celestial Kingdom, never
to be seperated again.
May the Peace of God which surpasses all human understanding, be granted
to to and yours.
In His Service, I humbly remain:
Rev.Ronald L. Sims, D.D.& Family: 8 hooman-beans owned by 9 fabulous
fuzzies, 5 cute canines, 2-3/4 frisky felines (3/4=2 kittens), 6 finniky
fish & a pear tree without the partridge
[Posted in FML issue 3441]