A ferret was "surrendered" this evening to the shelter who needs LOTS of
TLC.  He is a young MF male (supposedly 4 mos but looks a little too big
to be so young).  The reason they gave him up was "landlord doesn't allow
pets" but he looks like he's been severely malnourished--horribly thin,
weak hind end and dull haircoat.
Despite all that, he is a SWEETHEART!  Cuddly and cute with 'badger' blaze
and mitts.  He needs special care and I don't have the resources right now
or I'd take him myself but I'm hoping someone will see this and call the
shelter.  Maybe one of the MA.  ferret shelterers??
The usual procedure is for him to be checked by the shelter vet before he
is put out in the adoption area, but I'm afraid they may decide he's not
adoptable because of his weak state.  I urge anyone reading this who has
the time/ability to foster him to please call the shelter to ask about
him.  As of tonight he's the only ferret there, so he's easy to identify.
His name is "Nikki" (though he doesn't seem to know it).
You could call the shelter (located at 350 S. Huntington Ave in Boston)
and speak with Keith or Mike (the managers).  The phone number is
617-522-5055.  PLEASE do NOT reply to ME, I am not a shelter employee and
I do not check my email daily or read this list every day.
Can anyone help Nikki?
[Posted in FML issue 3439]