Sandee please tell Buster that I'll be sending extra hugs and kisses at
10:30 today, that's his one year anniversary at the bridge.  Although a
year has passed I still miss his wonderful face.  His pictures are
everywhere, including by my computer (both at work and at home) so I can
see his sweet eyes when I work.  Although his body is no longer here, he
is with me in spirit every day.
I'm glad he's happy and healthy again (his last few days were far from
happy, for either of us).  I thank god for giving me the special time with
him.  Moosie, Critter, Rascal and SusieQ send their love.  Little Buster,
GusGus, and Tequila send their love as well, even though they never met
you, the others have told your story.
Still missing your face peeking around the shower curtain, scratching to
demand to be sprayed with water.
All my love
I forgot to add in my message to Buster...
On the day you left, I remember looking out the car window on our way to
the vets office and admiring the beautiful flowers along the highway.  I
never remembered seeing such beautiful colors there before.  I ride along
this same highway everyday, the flowers aren't there!  I've looked and
looked, there are some yellow ones, but the beautiful pink, purple and
blue flowers are just not there this year.
It warms my heart to think that god put those flowers there just for you,
for you to enjoy along with me on that last ride.
Love and kisses
[Posted in FML issue 3463]