I had the most fun experience last night with Scooter Bug.
I let both ferrets in my bedroom for play time last night.  I went outside
to do some lawn work, got all hot and sweaty, came inside to take a shower.
I thought the little guys were done with play time, as they had been in the
room for about 2 hours.  Low and behold, the critters came into my shower,
it is just a shower, with about a 6 inch lip.  They hopped over and out of
the shower and each time they came in, they got a little more excited and
started running around under the spray of the shower head.  They absolutely
loved it!!
I let Scooter Bug sleep with me last night, she is the best.  She crawls
under the bed and sleeps there.  I gave her some bedding to sleep on, and
small bowl of water.  This morning my boyfriend asked if I could bring
him Scooter Bug because he wanted to shower with her.  It seems to become
a playful and exciting experience for us both now!!  Any one else have
water ferrets?
[Posted in FML issue 3461]