Hello ferret lovers.
ere is a song to the tune of I'm a Yankee Dodle Dandy, that should suit at
least one of your gorgeous guys.
Mary Cohen
I'm the world's most handsome ferret`
All my relatives are plain.
When Mommy takes me to the Nationals,
All of the judges exclaim:
"Isn't he a dashing fellow?
He's so gorgeous, you could die!"
Better leave your ferrets home,
Avoid the disappointment,
I am the world's most handsome guy!
I'm the world's most handsome ferret.
When Mom takes me to the shops,
The people stop and stare and ooh and ah,
Then all the traffic just stops!
Oprah wants me for her talk show,
I declined, I'm rather shy.
Diffident and humble too,
I'm really very modest
I am the world's most handsome guy!
I'm the world's most handsome ferret,
Hollywood is after me.
They want to star me with that Baldwin guy,
I'm better looking than he!
When he saw my candid photos,
He just waved his hand goodbye.
I am doomed to live alone
And bear this dreadful burden.
I'm the world's most handsome guy!
[Posted in FML issue 3460]