The little half naked burnt ferret still lives.  She is a bright purple
today from being burnt, and flinches to touch her head and upper back.  I
am syringe feeding her, as wise and loving members of the FML have told
me to do.
The wrinkling that looks like I am looking at someone's' brains that makes
up the epithelium on her emaciated body may be partly from dehydration.
The thick anal aperture jutting out like a fat, shorter leg could be from
I do not have enough nerve to push it back in with a q-tip.  This sucker
is Huge.  I am afraid she will hurt, and then be afraid of me.  And I
don't see how this thing could possibly fit back inside of her.
Poops just fall out of her as she walks.  So whatever musculature is
supposed to be in the anal area that is now on the outside of her must be
damaged.{?}  But I have rescheduled my week to be home for syringe feedings
at lunch, and to leave work earlier this week.  I normally don't have time
for lunch, but have shuffled around the schedule.  This way I can also take
the poopie blankets out and get her new ones at that time, AND in the
morning, and when I get home.
Anymore ideas will be appreciated.  I am keeping her in the dark.  And she
sleeps in baby blankets.  The air conditioning is set for 74.  It is nice
and cool in her room.
************I need two more of those hanging bed thingies.  Hammocks!  Any
shelters you guys know of selling them?
She goes in for exam, full work up, and first distemper at one of the best
ferret vet hospitals in the country on Sat., and is scheduled for surgery
there in early July--if she lives and is strong enough.
I told the neighbor who helped me catch the ducky that the little baby
was dead.  She is a macho, loud, resourceful, strong individual.  But
that really choked her up.That made me reflect on all the helpless animals
that need our help, and I went home so saddened.  I grabbed the Bible for
comfort, and it fell open onto this:
"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained
angels unawares."
Hebrews 13:2
How many of us-trying our best to save another living being- a stranger--
have actually been with an angel?
What a comforting thought to sleep on.
[Posted in FML issue 3460]